About Us

Vern Roberts started Southern Motors way back in 1978, “This was a hobby that turned into a business.” A highly decorated member of the Pontiac Police force, Vern’s first love was always cars. He opened a dealership on Oakland Avenue in Pontiac with 3 cars and the rest is history. In 1983, Southern Motors moved to Baldwin Road, some say to be closer to the Dairy Queen. I came into the picture in 1990. Vern took me under his wing when I was in high school and we built a bond that was unbreakable. Vern retired from the police force in 1994 and turned his full attention to the business. In 2006, we moved to our current location in Clarkston. Diary Queen is a bit further down the road, but still in sight. As most of you know, we lost Vern in February 2013. He was a pioneer in the classic car industry and I have done my best to carry on his legacy

Today we carry 30-50 cars in inventory and sell 200-300 cars a year. We’ve sold cars to every state in the union, Switzerland, Denmark, Sweden, England, Italy, Spain, Saudi Arabia, Australia, Japan, Russia and Canada! I work crazy hours and travel long trips across the country to bring in inventory that I would only park in my own garage. I cannot thank my beautiful wife Alicia and our two wonderful boys Nathan and Ryan enough for all their support. There have been many hands along the way that helped make this place what it is. The cast of characters has changed over the years but we still eat ice cream at 3PM and laughter fills our showroom daily

It is our family, friends and customers that make this place so special. I cannot thank everyone enough for their support.

God Bless! 
David Witt


Years in 

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